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Zombies, Unicorns, Cannibals
Strange Tales from the Bible
Unlocking the Feasts and Seasons of the Liturgical Year
Ignatius Loyola and You
Learning to Become a Reflective Christian
The Ash Wednesday Supper
A New Translation
And It Was Good
Reflections on Beginnings
A Stone for a Pillow
Journeys with Jacob
Sold into Egypt
Journeys into Human Being
Undoing Babel
The Tower of Babel in Anglo-Saxon Literature
The Shadow that Seeks the Sun
Finding Joy, Love and Answers on the Sacred River Ganges
Bayanihan and Belonging
Filipinos and Religion in Canada
Liturgical Theology after Schmemann
An Orthodox Reading of Paul Ricoeur
Au risque de la conversion
L'expérience québécoise de la mission au XXe siècle (1945-1980)
Présence nue (numérique ePub)
L'accompagnement des personnes souffrantes
Prier autrement (numérique ePub)
À l'écoute des évangiles
Praying with the Senses
Contemporary Orthodox Christian Spirituality in Practice
The Monk's Cell
Ritual and Knowledge in American Contemplative Christianity
Religion and Public Discourse in an Age of Transition
Reflections on Bahá’í Practice and Thought
The Challenge is in the Naming
A Theological Journey
The Quran, Epic and Apocalypse
Epic and Apocalypse
The Roman Martyrs
Introduction, Translations, and Commentary
The Spirit of Early Evangelicalism
True Religion in a Modern World
Born Again
My Journey from Fundamentalism to Freedom
Leaving Christianity
Changing Allegiances in Canada since 1945
En quoi je croîs (numérique ePub)
Petit essai d'autobiographie spirituelle