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Browse Books in Religion

Diversity and Pluralism in Islam

Historical and Contemporary Discourses amongst Muslims

edited by Z. Hirji

Pastoral Prayers to Share Year A

Prayers of the people for each Sunday of the church year

by (author) David Sparks

Religious Institutions and the Law in Canada, 3/e

by (author) M.H. Ogilvie

Le pape (numérique PDF)

by (author) Catherine Clifford, Pierre Hurtubise & Francis Morrisey

Re-Cueillir la Parole (numérique PDF)

Une lecture sémiotique de récits évangéliques

by (author) Étienne Pouliot & Anne Fortin

L'islam (numérique PDF)

by (author) Samia Amor

Panorama des religions au Québec et au Canada (numérique PDF)

by (author) Hélène Régnier
prepared for publication by Lise Lachance
conductor Jean-Claude Basset, Yves Dutoit, Sabine Girardet & Claude Schwab

Dissidence, résistance et communion en Église (numérique PDF)

by (author) Alain Ambeault, Lise Baroni-Dansereau, Yvonne Bergeron, Lucien Lemieux & Marco Veilleux
conductor Yvon Métras

Generating Traces in the History of the World

New Traces of the Christian Experience

by (author) Luigi Giussani, Stefano Alberto & Javier Prades

More Everyday Parables

Simple Stories for Spiritual Reflection

by (author) James Taylor

Prodigal Daughter

A Journey to Byzantium

by (author) Myrna Kostash

Is That Story True?

by (author) Laura Alary
illustrated by Margaret Kyle

The Defining Decade

Identity, Politics, and the Canadian Jewish Community in the 1960s

by (author) Harold Troper

Fundamentals of New Testament Greek

by (author) Stanley E. Porter & Jeffrey T. Reed

Baba's Babushka (Christmas)

A Magical Ukrainian Christmas

by (author) Marion Mutala
illustrated by Wendy Siemens

Storied Landscapes

Ethno-Religious Identity and the Canadian Prairies

by (author) Frances Swyripa

Les rencontres d'Édouard (numérique PDF)

by (author) Marcel Viau

La Bible. Le nouveau testament (numérique PDF)

by (author) Interbible

Une place à part entière (numérique PDF)

by (author) Normand Provencher

Les fondateurs des religions (numérique PDF)

by (author) Sébastien Doane

Et pourquoi pas Jésus? (numérique PDF)

by (author) Richard Bergeron

Regards sur la théorie de l'évolution (numérique PDF)

by (author) Pierre Bellemare

L'eau et la terre me parlent d'ailleurs (numérique PDF)

by (author) André Beauchamp

Compagnons de voyage. Guide d'utilisation (numérique PDF)

by (author) Enzo Biemmi
translated by Paul-André Giguère

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