Browse Books in Humanism

Science and the Creative Spirit
Essays on Humanistic Aspects of Science

The Science of Human Possibilities

Psych2Go Presents the Psychology of People
The Little Book of Psychology & What Makes You You (Human Psychology Books to Read, Neuropsychology, Therapist On The Go)

Once upon a Time in the West
Essays on the Politics of Thought and Imagination

On Writing and Failure
Or, On the Peculiar Perseverance Required to Endure the Life of a Writer

Things We Could Design
For More Than Human-Centered Worlds
Dualities in Shakespeare

Science and the Creative Spirit
Essays on Humanistic Aspects of Science

Reclaiming Civilization
A Case for Optimism for the Future of Humanity

Humanity's End
Why We Should Reject Radical Enhancement

My Muse Will Have a Story to Paint
Selected Prose of Ludovico Ariosto

Adages IV iii 1 to V ii 51
Collected Works of Erasmus

Theories of Human Nature - Third Edition

Central Works of Philosophy, Volume 3
The Nineteenth Century

Critical Humanism and the Politics of Difference

Critical Humanism and the Politics of Difference

Persons — What Philosophers Say about You
2nd edition

The Adages of Erasmus

Inauthentic Culture and Its Philosophical Critics

Kierkegaard as Humanist
Discovering My Self

Contours of Canadian Thought
Death Can Be Beautiful
Under Pretext of Praise
Satiric Mode in Erasmus' Fiction

Emery Bigot
Seventeenth-Century French Humanist