Browse Books in Individual Philosophers
On the Divine Things and Their Revelation
The Beijing Lectures: Strauss, Plato, Nietzsche
Philosophy and Its Poetry (The Beijing Lectures)
Nietzsche as Stylist
Aesthetics and Philosophy
Fichte in Berlin
The 1804 Wissenschaftslehre
The Prince
Making Sense of Myth
Conversations with Luc Brisson
Nietzsche as Phenomenologist
Uncommon Sense
Aesthetics after Marcuse
Roberto Esposito
New Directions in Biophilosophy
Thomas Reid and the University
Beyond Tragedy and Eternal Peace
Politics and International Relations in the Thought of Friedrich Nietzsche
Five Groundbreaking Moments in Heidegger's Thinking
Discourse on Method and Meditations on First Philosophy
Platonism and Naturalism
The Possibility of Philosophy
Heidegger on Truth
Its Essence and Its Fate
Wittgenstein's Ethics and Modern Warfare
From Plato to Platonism
From Plato to Platonism
On Equilibrium
The Grammar of Politics
Wittgenstein and Political Philosophy
Dewey's Ethical Thought
Kant's Theory of Justice
The Liberal Self
John Stuart Mill's Moral and Political Theory