Browse Books in History & Surveys
Virgil's Schoolboys
The Poetics of Pedagogy in Renaissance England
Readings in Russian Philosophical Thought
Philosophy of History
Fundamental Topics is Metaphysics
Lonergan's Early Economic Research
Texts and Commentary
Lonergan's Discovery of the Science of Economics
Between Reason and Experience
Essays in Technology and Modernity
Effortless Attention
A New Perspective in the Cognitive Science of Attention and Action
Wittgenstein and the Practice of Philosophy
Rousseau and Desire
Seneca: De Clementia
Curtius Rufus, Histories of Alexander the Great, Book 10
Plato and Heidegger
A Question of Dialogue
Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy, Volume XXXVI
The Customs Law of Asia
Great Philosophers
A Brief Story of the Self and Its Worlds
The Public Realm and the Public Self
The Political Theory of Hannah Arendt
The Excellencies of Robert Boyle
The Excellency of Theology and The Excellency and Grounds of the Mechanical Hypothesis
Reading Seneca
Stoic Philosophy at Rome
The Broadview Anthology of Social and Political Thought - Volume 1: From Plato to Nietzsche
Volume 1: From Plato to Nietzsche
Freedom, Nature, and World
The Oath in Greek Society
David Hume's Political Theory
Law, Commerce and the Constitution of Government
David Hume's Political Theory
Law, Commerce and the Constitution of Government
Socrates on Trial
A Play Based on Aristophane's Clouds and Plato's Apology, Crito, and Phaedo Adapted for Modern Performance