Browse Books in Philosophy
Freedom and Indigenous Constitutionalism
How to Survive the Apocalypse
Zombies, Cylons, Faith, and Politics at the End of the World
Ego Sum
Corpus, Anima, Fabula
The Correspondence of Erasmus
Letters 842 to 992, Volume 6
The Apology and Related Dialogues
Aristotle on Knowledge and Learning
The Posterior Analytics
The Rules of Thought
Kant's Modal Metaphysics
Oppositions and Paradoxes
Philosophical Perplexities in Science and Mathematics
Freedom and Indigenous Constitutionalism
The Oxford Handbook of Hume
Adaptive Education
An Inquiry-Based Institution
The Slow Professor
Challenging the Culture of Speed in the Academy
Consciousness Strikes
The Gospel Of Ramesh Balsekar
Dissolving Spiritual Confusion
Practising Insight Mediation
Imagining Care
Responsibility, Dependency, and Canadian Literature
The Ethics Rupture
Exploring Alternatives to Formal Research-Ethics Review
Is That a Fact? - Second Edition
A Field Guide to Statistical and Scientific Information
Fact and Fiction
Literary and Scientific Cultures in Germany and Britain
Developing the Lonergan Legacy
Historical, Theoretical, and Existential Issues
Cultural Hermeneutics
Essays after Unamuno and Ricoeur