Browse Books in Music
My Havana
The Musical City of Carlos Varela
Joni Mitchell
In Her Own Words
Reeling Roosters and Dancing Ducks
Celtic Mouth Music
Reeling Roosters & Dancing Ducks
Celtic Mouth Music
Turn RIght, Turn Left, Repeat
Life on the road for the Canadian indie band
Last Year's Man: Leonard Cohen
Ambulance Blues: Neil Young
Urge for Going: Joni Mitchell
Trust Yourself: Blue Rodeo
This Awareness of Beauty
The Orchestral and Wind Band Music of Healey Willan
Two Solitudes: The Tragically Hip
This Awareness of Beauty
The Orchestral and Wind Band Music of Healey Willan
Representing Sound
Notes on the Ontology of Recorded Musical Communications
Battle of the Five Spot, The
Ornette Coleman and the New York Jazz Field
Virginia Woolf and Music
Saskatchewan Lullaby
Gods of the Hammer
The Teenage Head Story
Music Express
The Rise, Fall & Resurrection of Canada's Music Magazine
Everyone is CO2
The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy in Music Education
Sound, Speech, Music in Soviet and Post-Soviet Cinema
Medieval Instrumental Dances
Vocal Harmony Body Movement
The voyBom School of Music