Browse Books in Literary Collections

Inquiring Spirit
A New Presentation of Coleridge from His Published and Unpublished Prose Writings (Revised Edition)

Inquiring Spirit
A New Presentation of Coleridge from His Published and Unpublished Prose Writings (Revised Edition)

Annie Howells and Achille Fréchette

The Stoic Strain in American Literature
Essays in Honour of Marston LaFrance

At the Mermaid Inn

The Practical Vision
Essays in English Literature in Honour of Flora Roy

Best Mounted Police Stories

Finnish Folk Poetry - Epic
An Anthology in Finnish and English

Myth and Reality in Irish Literature

Indian Legends of Canada

The E.J. Pratt Symposium
The Letters of Frederick Philip Grove

The First Day of Spring
Stories and Other Prose

The First Day of Spring
Stories and Other Prose

Reflections on Values Education

Values Education
Theory, Practice, Problems, Prospects

Eileen McCullough
Old Man Savarin Stories
Tales of Canada and Canadians
Selected Poetry and Critical Prose Charles G.D. Roberts

The Prison and the Pinnacle
Petrarch to Pirandello
Studies in Italian Literature in Honour of Beatrice Corrigan

Household Words
A Weekly Journal 1850-1859 conducted by Charles Dickens

Awake the Courteous Echo
The Themes Prosody of Comus, Lycidas, and Paradise Regained in World Literature with Translations of the Major Analogues