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Browse Books in Literary Collections

Political Theology in the Canadian Context

edited by Benjamin G. Smillie

Le Court d’Amours de Mahieu le Poirier

La Suite anonyme de la Court d’Amours

by (author) Terence Scully

Theories of Property

Aristotle to the Present

edited by Anthony Parel & Thomas Flanagan

Ignatian Spirituality in a Secular Age

by (author) George Schner

Traditions in Contact and Change

Selected Proceedings of the XIVth Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions

edited by Peter Slater & Donald Wiebe

Bourgeois, Sans-Culottes and Other Frenchmen

Essays on the French Revolution in Honor of John Hall Stewart

by (author) Morris Slavin & Agnes M. Smith

Doctors, Patients, and Society

Power and Authority in Medical Care

edited by Martin S. Staum & Donald E. Larsen

Pierre M. Irving and Washington Irving

A Collaboration in Life and Letters

by (author) Wayne R. Kime

The Correspondence of Iu Samarin and Baroness Rahden


by (author) Loren Calder, Helen Melichercik & Terence Scully

Haven’t Any News

Ruby’s Letters from the Fifties

by (author) Edna Staebler & Marlene Kadar

Fitting Sentences

Identity in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Prison Narratives

by (author) Jason Haslam

Corresponding Influence

Selected Letters of Emily Carr and Ira Dilworth

edited by Linda Morra

The Ancient Books of Ireland

by (author) Michael Slavin

A Voice of Her Own

contributions by Thelma Poirier, Doris Bircham, JoAnn Jones-Hole, Anne Slade, Vernice Wearmouth, Edith Wearmouth, Heather McCuaig, Irene Edge, Beryl Sibbald, Cheryl Nixdorff, Ruth Hunt, Cheryl Morison, Catherine Chalack, Leta Wise, Eileen McElroy Clayton, Kimberley Taylor, Pat Kerr, Helen Cyr, Alice Streeter, Doris Burton, Virginia Delinte, Anne Stevick, Joan Lawrence, Heather Beierbach, Heidi Beierbach, Christa Lawrence, Pansy White-Brekhus, Mary Guenther, Ann Saville, Mary Jane Saville, Erin Bircham, Dena Weiss, Lou Forsaith, Robin Wolfater, Lyn Sauder, Rajanne Wills, Carley Cooper, Delores Noreen, Hilda Krohn, Gayle Kozroski, Clare Kozroski, Marjorie Linthicum, Louise Popescul, Linda Froshaug, Tammy Burgess, Ruth Pritchard, Sherri Grant, Sandy Hordenchuk, Jill Mastad, Diane Catley, Marilyn Jahnke, Marilyn Ramsay, Robin Ramsay, Doris Fenton, Judy Fenton, Rose Bibby & Susan Ames Vogelaar
edited by Susan A. Vogelaar

Weather's Edge

A Compendium of Women's Lives in Newfoundland and Labrador

by (author) Carmelita McGrath, Linda Cullum & Marilyn Porter

The Correspondence of Wolfgang Capito

Volume 1: 1507-1523

edited by Erika Rummel

Moosehead Anthology 10

Future Welcome

edited by Todd Swift

The Way It Looks from Here

Contemporary Canadian Writing on Sports

edited by Stephen Brunt

Longings And Belongings


by (author) Nancy Huston

Between Friends: A Year in Letters

A Year in Letters

by (author) Helen Levine & Oonagh Berry

The Sound of All Flesh

by (author) Barry Webster

Northrop Frye's Writings on the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

edited by Imre Salusinszky

Northrop Frye on Milton and Blake

edited by Angela Esterhammer

The Dodecahedron

Or A Frame for Frames

by (author) Paul Glennon

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