Browse Books in Literary Collections

Now is the Winter
Thinking about Hockey

Our Place in the Sun
Canada and Cuba in the Castro Era

Let the Drums Be Your Heart
New Native Voices

I Like It Like That
True Stories of Gay Male Desire

Defoe's Footprints
Essays in Honour of Maximillian E. Novak

Cabin Fever
The Best New Canadian Non-Fiction

The Last Shot
Eleven Stories and a Novella

Robertson Davies
A Portrait in Mosaic

All In Together
Rhymes, Ditties and Jingles of Newfoundland and Labrador
Hell's Angel
Miss Maple and the Playboy

Eagle Minds
Selected Correspondence of Istvan Anhalt and George Rochberg (1961-2005)
Hotter Than Hell

The Watch that Ends the Night

Cowboys and Bleeding Hearts
Essays on Violence, Health and Identity
Hired: Nanny Bride
The Doctor's Surprise Family
The Greek Millionaire's Secret Child
A Secret Baby Romance

Return of the Sphinx
Spontaneous Combustion

Jane Austen Sings the Blues

Kaleidoscopes and Butterfly Dreams

Born that Way