Browse Books in Fiction

French Canadian Prose Masters
The Nineteenth Century
The Cliff Hanger House

A Novel

The Race and Other Stories by Sinclair Ross

Selected Stories of Ernest Thompson Seton

Selected Stories of Robert Barr

The School-Marm Tree

The Canadian Brothers; or, The Prophecy Fulfilled
A Tale of the Late American War

Marie Calumet

The Canadian Brothers; or, The Prophecy Fulfilled
A Tale of the Late American War

Selected Stories of Douglas O. Spettigue

The Lady and the Travelling Salesman
Stories by Leo Simpson

Dürer's Angel
Folklore of Nova Scotia

Theme for Diverse Instruments

Selected Stories of Isabella Valancy Crawford

Fifteen Miles of Broken Glass

Angéline de Montbrun
A Psychological Romance of Quebec

The Magpie
A Novel of Post-War Disillusionment 1923

Angéline de Montbrun
A Psychological Romance of Quebec

The Grandfathers

A Canadian Story From Real Life
Jean Baptiste
A Story of French Canada