Browse Books in Arts In Education

Erasing Frankenstein
Remaking the Monster, A Public Humanities Prison Arts Project

The Starving Artist Myth
Bust the Stereotype and Find Success in Creative Careers

Community Music at the Boundaries

Autism Arts
A Partnership between Autism Nova Scotia and the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia

Great Expectations
Reflections on Museums and Canada

Witnessing Girlhood
Toward an Intersectional Tradition of Life Writing

Aurora Borealice

Talking, Listening, and Teaching
A Guide to Classroom Communication

Creative Development
Transforming Education through Design Thinking, Innovation, and Invention

Teaching as Scholarship
Preparing Students for Professional Practice in Community Services

Creating Together
Participatory, Community-Based, and Collaborative Arts Practices and Scholarship across Canada

Museums at the Crossroads”
Essays on Cultural Institutions in a Time of Change

L'Art À Portée De La Main 2-4

L'Art À Portée De La Main Mat. Et 1Re

L'Art À Portée De La Main 5-6

Educating for Creativity
A Global Conversation

Exploring the Math and Art Connection
Teaching and Learning Between the Lines

Activites Passe-Temps Mat-1

Activites Passe-Temps 4-6

Activites Passe-Temps 2-3

Canadian Art Ideas Grades 5-6

Canadian Art Ideas Grades K-1

Canadian Art Ideas Grades 2-4

Not Quite What I Was Planning
And Other Six-Word Memoirs by Writers Ob