Browse Books in Education
Indigenous Knowledges in Global Contexts
Multiple Readings of Our Worlds
The Sounds, Forms, and Uses of Italian
An Introduction to Italian Linguistics
How to Make Your Child a Reader for Life
En avant la musique. Cahier de l'élèeve
Documents et fiches de travail
Spotlight Canada
Teacher's Resource
Discovering First Peoples and First Contacts
Capitalizing Knowledge
Essays on the History of Business Education in Canada
For Home, Country, and Race
Gender, Class, and Englishness in the Elementary School, 1880-1914
Identities 9: Endless Possibilities
Teacher instruction and Assessment Design Handbook
Identities 8: Defining Moments
Teacher Instruction and Assessment Design Handbook
No Ordinary Academics
Economics and Political Science at the University of Saskatchewan,1910-1960
Postcolonizing the Commonwealth
Studies in Literature and Culture
Skills Mania
Snake Oil In Our Schools?
Practising Interdisciplinarity
Land Sea and Time Book 1
Language Arts Series
Land Sea and Time Book 1 (Teacher's Edition)
Language Arts Series
Northrop Frye's Writings on Education
Professing English at UBC
The Legacy of Roy Daniells and Garnett Sedgewick
The Corporate Campus
Commercialization and the Dangers to Canada's Colleges and University
Teaching English
Theory and Practice from Kindergarten to Grade Twelve
Models of Classroom Management
Principles, Practices and Critical Considerations
Literature & Science Breakthroughs
Connecting language & science skills in the elementary classroom
Telling Stories Your Way
Storytelling and reading aloud in the classroom
Information Transformation
Teaching strategies for authentic research, projects and activities