Browse Books in General

The Grounds of Gaming

The Emergence of Technology Beyond Programmable Control

Digital Playgrounds
The Hidden Politics of Children's Online Play Spaces, Virtual Worlds, and Connected Games

Big Data Surveillance and Security Intelligence
The Canadian Case

Embodied Computing
Wearables, Implantables, Embeddables, Ingestibles

i-Minds - 2nd edition
How and Why Constant Connectivity is Rewiring Our Brains and What to Do About it

The Bleeding Edge
Why Technology Turns Toxic in an Unequal World

Between Humanities and the Digital

Networked Affect

The People's Platform
Taking Back Power and Culture in the Digital Age

Digital Diversity
Youth, Equity, and Information Technology

God and the Chip
Religion and the Culture of Technology

Simulation and Its Discontents
BYTE-ing Satire
A Light-Hearted Poke in Technology's Eye