Browse Books in How Things Work-are Made

The Great History of Cars
A book, 70+ magnets, and a giant magnetic board!

Operation Cupcake
How Simple Machines Work

Becoming Bionic and Other Ways Science Is Making Us Super

I Love My City

The Wearable-Tech Revolution

Lights Day and Night
The Science of How Light Works


Sounds All Around
The Science of How Sound Works

Let's Get Glowing!
Revealing the Science of Radioactivity with Nuclear Physics

Let's Get Tiny!
Jumping into the Science of the Smallest Part of Matter with Quantum Physics

Let's Power Up!
Charging into the Science of Electric Currents with Electrical Engineering

Let's Clean Up!
Unpacking the Science of Messy Rooms with Statistical Physics

Let's Race!
Sprinting into the Science of Light Speed with Special Relativity

Let's Ride a Wave!
Diving into the Science of Light and Sound Waves with Physics

Let's Make a Rainbow!
Seeing the Science of Light with Optical Physics

Let's Fly a Plane!
Launching into the Science of Flight with Aerospace Engineering

Let's Get Moving!
Speeding into the Science of Motion with Newtonian Physics

This Python Isn't a Snake
What Are Coding Languages and Syntax?

Bugs That Make Your Computer Crawl
What Are Computer Bugs?

Nothing Loopy about This
What Are Loops and Conditionals?

You Can't Dance to These Rhythms
What Are Algorithms?

Follow Your Stuff
Who Makes It, Where Does It Come From, How Does It Get to You?

What Is Technology?