Browse Books in Zoology

Turtle Pond

Howl like a Wolf!
Learn to Think, Move, and Act Like 15 Amazing Animals

Bat Citizens
Defending the Ninjas of the Night

Animals Illustrated: Walrus

Animals Illustrated: Bowhead Whale

Pinocchio Rex and Other Tyrannosaurs

Jump, Leap, Count Sheep!
A Canadian Wildlife 123

Animals Illustrated: Walrus

Animals Do, Too!
How They Behave Just Like You

Animals Illustrated: Muskox

Animals Illustrated: Muskox

Animals Illustrated: Polar Bear

Animals Illustrated: Narwhal

Moose, Goose, Animals on the Loose!
A Canadian Wildlife ABC

My Book of Birds

Koala Hospital

Animal Tracks of Canada

Birds of Canada

Mammals of Canada

Weird Bugs

Animal Riddles


West Coast Wild
A Nature Alphabet

A Children's Guide to Arctic Birds
Inuktitut Roman Orthography Edition