Browse Books in Science & Nature

Dive In!
Exploring Our Connection with the Ocean

Birds from Head to Tail

Wild Buildings and Bridges
Architecture Inspired by Nature

Animals Illustrated: Arctic Wolf

My River
Cleaning up the LaHave River

50 Things to see With a Telescope
A young stargazer's guide

Do Frogs Drink Hot Chocolate?
How Animals Keep Warm

Curriculum-based ScienceSmart Experiments Grades 4 - 6
Canadian curriculum science book to expand children's scientific knowledge on chemistry, physics, and biology

2018 Orca Footprints Collection

Deluxe Canadian Rocks & Minerals Kit

A Whale's World

A Whale's World Read-Along

Roches et minéraux canadiens

Animals Illustrated: Arctic Wolf

Night Skies of Canada

Canadian Natural Resources

Canadian Biodiversity

Canadian Water and Sustainability

Canadian Energy Technology


Be Prepared!
The Frankie MacDonald Guide to Life, the Weather, and Everything

Astrophysics for Babies

Counting on Katherine: How Katherine Johnson Saved Apollo 13

Birding for Kids
A Guide to Finding, Identifying, and Photographing Birds in Your Area