Browse Books in Science & Nature

Science Comics: The Brain
The Ultimate Thinking Machine

Growing Up in Wild Horse Canyon

Apollo 8 and the Photo That Changed the World

Stories in the Clouds
Weather Science and Mythology From Around the World

Destination: Space
Living on Other Planets

Dive In!
Exploring Our Connection with the Ocean

Birds from Head to Tail

Wild Buildings and Bridges
Architecture Inspired by Nature

Animals Illustrated: Arctic Wolf

My River
Cleaning up the LaHave River

50 Things to see With a Telescope
A young stargazer's guide

Do Frogs Drink Hot Chocolate?
How Animals Keep Warm

Curriculum-based ScienceSmart Experiments Grades 4 - 6
Canadian curriculum science book to expand children's scientific knowledge on chemistry, physics, and biology

2018 Orca Footprints Collection

Deluxe Canadian Rocks & Minerals Kit

A Whale's World

A Whale's World Read-Along

Roches et minéraux canadiens

Animals Illustrated: Arctic Wolf

Night Skies of Canada

Canadian Natural Resources

Canadian Biodiversity

Canadian Water and Sustainability