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Villes et villages

A Kid's Guide to the Night Sky
Simple Ways to Explore the Universe

Le Musée des bouts inutiles du corps
À la découverte de tes vestiges, défauts et autres bizarreries

My Big Book of Canadian Animals
72 wild animals

Baking Wonderland
A Mix & Match Cookbook for Kids!

Best Way to Get Your Way, The

ABCs of Geography

Le hockey : ses supervedettes 2021-2022

Mysteries and Legends Book 1 Monsters

My First 100 Bug Words

Who Did It First? 50 Icons, Luminaries, and Legends Who Revolutionized the World

Scholastic Canada Visual Dictionary (Revised edition)

ABCs of Economics

How Much Does Your Head Weigh?
The Big Book of Facts

Seaside Treasures
A Guidebook for Little Beachcombers

Robotics for Babies

Astrophysics for Babies

Evolution for Babies

ABCs of Biology

Organic Chemistry for Babies

Nuclear Physics for Babies

ABCs of Space

Electromagnetism for Babies