Browse Books in Animal Stories

The Bears and the Magic Masks

The Animal People Choose a Leader

Raven Gets Tricked

Hawk Shadow, The

The Sharing Circle

The Giant and the Grizzly Bear

The Shaman Who Became Many Animals
Bilingual English / Inuktitut Edition

Wolf, Gull, and Raven
Bilingual English and Inuinnaqtun Edition

Inukpak Akharlu

Iliarjuk Tulugaq

The Raven Boy

Otter Doesn’t Know

The Owl and the Lemming

The Woman and Her Bear Cub
Bilingual Audiobook

Pineshish, The Blue Jay

Sukaq and the Raven

The Woman and Her Bear Cub

The Woman and Her Bear Cub

The Story of the Loon and the Raven
Bilingual Inuktitut and English Edition

The Orphan and the Polar Bear

Le hibou et le lemming

The Origin of Day and Night

The Raven and the Loon

The Giant Bear
An Inuit Folktale