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See All Categories CHILDREN'S FICTION Animals

Browse Books in Mice, Hamsters, Guinea Pigs, Etc.

King Mouse

by (author) Cary Fagan
illustrated by Dena Seiferling

And Then the Seed Grew

illustrated by Marianne Dubuc

Jeannie Houdini

A Hamster's Tale

by (author) Mary-Ann Stouck
illustrated by Rebecca Evans

Bravo, Chico Canta! Bravo!

by (author) Pat Mora & Libby Martinez
illustrated by Amelia Lau Carling
translated by Elena Iribarren


by (author) Ashlyn Anstee

El ratón perdido

by (author) Jacqueline Jules
illustrated by Kim Smith
translated by Trusted Trusted Translations

Up Hamster, Down Hamster Read-Along

by (author) Kass Reich
read by Christian Down

This Little Hamster Read-Along

by (author) Kass Reich
read by Christian Down

Hamsters on the Go Read-Along

by (author) Kass Reich
read by Christian Down

Hamsters Holding Hands Read-Along

by (author) Kass Reich
read by Christian Down

Woodrow at Sea

illustrated by Wallace Edwards

Fiddles and Spoons

by (author) Lila Hope-Simpson
illustrated by Doretta Groenendyk

Sydney & Simon: To the Moon!

by (author) Paul A. Reynolds
illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds

Fiddles and Spoons (pb)

Journey of an Acadian Mouse

by (author) Lila Hope-Simpson

Mr. Postmouse Takes a Trip

illustrated by Marianne Dubuc


by (author) Natale Ghent

Dormouse Dreams

illustrated by Renata Liwska
by (author) Karma Wilson

Mighty Melvin the Magnificent Mouse

by (author) Trevor Newland

The Mole, The Mouse, and the Magnificent, Moss-Covered House

by (author) Stirling C.
illustrated by Donna Washington

Milly the Mouse and Morton the Mole

illustrated by Donna Washington

Hamsters on the Go

by (author) Kass Reich

Sydney & Simon: Go Green!

by (author) Paul A. Reynolds
illustrated by Peter H. Reynolds

Up Hamster, Down Hamster

by (author) Kass Reich

The Stowaways

by (author) Meghan Marentette
illustrated by Dean Griffiths

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