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Browse Books in Children's Fiction

Nanabosho and the Cranberries FRENCH

Nanabosho et les canneberges

by (author) Joe McLellan

Alec's Journey

by (author) J.C. Wesley

Do Unto Otters

and Other Bedtime Rhymes

by (author) G. Anderson
illustrated by S. Dawson

Nanabosho and the Cranberries ENG

by (author) Joe McLellan & Matrine Therriault
illustrated by Lloyd Swampy

Nipin and the Rocks

by (author) Victoria Bouvier
illustrated by Samantha Pratt

Nanabosho Dances

by (author) Joe McLellan

A Name for a Metis

by (author) Deborah L. Delaronde

My Kokum Called Today ENG

by (author) Irish Loewen
illustrated by Gloria Miller

What Would You Do?

by (author) Elaine Chaput

Nanabosho, Soaring Eagle and the Great Sturgeon

by (author) Joe McLellan

My Kokum Called Today FRE

Ma Kokum a telephone aujourd'jui

by (author) Iris Loewen
illustrated by Gloria Miller

Murdo's Story

A Legend from Northern Manitoba

by (author) Terry Gallegher

When Flowers Bloom and Sparrows Sing

by (author) John Weier

The Crying Christmas Tree

by (author) Allan Crow

A Bear's Long Tail - A Tale Retold

by (author) Jane Chartrand
illustrated by Zaawaazit Mkwa Tsun

Wisahkecahk Flies To The Moon

by (author) Freda Ahenakew
illustrated by Sherry Farrell Racette

Kawlija's Blueberry Promise

by (author) Audrey Guiboche

A Journey through the Circle of Life FRE

Un voyage a travers le cercle de la vie

by (author) Desiree Geillespie

Do Unto Otters and Other Bedtime Rhymes

by (author) Grant Anderson
illustrated by James Mathieu Chambers

Night Rebecca Stayed Out Too Late

by (author) Peter Eyvindson

Little Metis and the Metis Sash

by (author) Deborah L. Delaronde
illustrated by Keiron Flamand

The Fire Walker

by (author) Shezza Ansloos

Nokomis and I

by (author) Ferguson Plain

Jen and the Great One

by (author) Peter Eyvindson

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