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Browse Books in Children's Fiction

Golden Girl and Other Stories

by (author) Gillian Chan

Something Weird Is Going On

by (author) Christie Harris

Dog for a Friend

illustrated by Stephen McCallum
by (author) Marilynn Reynolds

Hound Without Howl

illustrated by Deborah Turney-Zagwyn

The Golden Pine Cone

illustrated by Greta Guzek
by (author) Catherine Anthony Clark

Cassandra's Driftwood

illustrated by Terry Roscoe
by (author) Budge Wilson

An Inuk Boy Becomes a Hunter

by (author) John Igloliorte

Sea Lion Called Salena, A

by (author) Dayle Campbell Gaetz
illustrated by Diane Paul

A Sea Lion Called Salena

by (author) Dayle Campbell Gaetz
illustrated by Diane Paul

Mikey Mite's Big Problem

by (author) Gilles Gauthier
illustrated by Pierre-André Derome
translated by Sarah Cummins

Loonie Summer

by (author) Christiane Duchesne
illustrated by Marc Mongeau
translated by Sarah Cummins

Wave Watch

by (author) Lesley Choyce

Arthur's Problem Puppy

by (author) Ginette Anfousse
illustrated by Anne Villeneuve
translated by Sarah Cummins

Dark End of Dream Street

by (author) Lesley Choyce

Maddie Goes To Paris

by (author) Louise Leblanc
illustrated by Marie-Louise Gay
translated by Sarah Cummins

The Great Pebble Creek Bike Race

by (author) Kathy Stinson

Lizzie's Soccer Showdown

by (author) John Danakas

A Fine Day for Drool

by (author) Sharon Siamon

The Ferryboat Ride Colouring Book

by (author) Robert Perry
illustrated by Greta Guzek

Voices on the Bay

by (author) Virginia Russell

The Thirteenth Summer

by (author) Jose Luis Olaizola
translated by Susan Ouriou

Briar Rose

A Novel of the Fairy Tale Series

by (author) Jane Yolen
from an idea by Terri Windling

Doctor's Sweetheart

by (author) L.M. Montgomery

Knots on a Counting Rope

by (author) Bill Martin
illustrated by Ted Rand

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