Browse Books in General

The Big Fix
How Companies Capture Markets and Harm Canadians

Deep, Dark and Dangerous
The Story of British Columbia’s World-Class Undersea Tech Industry

The Get-It-Done Business Plan: Write a Business Plan That Will Get Your Business Financed
Chapter 10. How to Write "Marketing Plan" Part of the Business Plan

The Get-It-Done Business Plan
Write a Business Plan That Will Get Your Business Financed

Looking For Bootstraps
Economic Development in the Maritimes

Access to Medicines as a Human Right
Implications for Pharmaceutical Industry Responsibility

Working in the Woods
A History of Logging on the West Coast

The Power of Curiosity
How to Have Real Conversations that create Collaboration, Innovation and Understanding

Aluminum Ore
The Political Economy of the Global Bauxite Industry

One Family's Journey
CANFOR and the Transformation of B.C.'s Forest Industry

Green Gold
The Forest Industry in British Columbia

Chocolate Wars
The 150-Year Rivalry Between the World’s Greatest Chocolate Makers

Industrial Organization in Canada
Empirical Evidence and Policy Challenges

Industrial Organization in Canada
Empirical Evidence and Policy Challenges

Chocolate Wars
The 150-Year Rivalry Between the World's Greatest Chocolate Makers

Industrial Organization, Trade, and Social Interaction
Essays in Honour of B. Curtis Eaton

Global Networks and Local Linkages
The Paradox of Cluster Development in an Open Economy

North of Athabasca
Slave Lake and Mackenzie River Documents of North West Company, 1800-1821

At Home on the World Markets
Dutch International Trading Companies from the 16th Century Until the Present

Whistle Punks & Widow-Makers
Tales of the BC Woods

Tie Hackers to Timber Harvesters
The History of Logging in BC's Interior

The Working Forest of British Columbia

A Question of Survival
The Fisheries and Newfoundland Society

Offshore Oil
Opportunities for Industrial Development and Job Creation