Browse Books in Parapsychology

The Case for the Afterlife
Evidence of Life After Death

Strange, Spooky and Supernatural
Curious Tales of Fascinating People, Places and Things

Vibes from the Other Side
Accessing Your Spirit Guides & Other Beings from the Beyond

The Art of Scrying & Dowsing
Foolproof Methods for ESP and Remote Viewing

Love or Die Trying
How I Lost It All, Died, and Came Back for Love

Open Your Third Eye
Activate Your Sixth Chakra & Develop Your Psychic Abilities

The Discovery of a Soul System

Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience (60th Anniversary Edition)
The True Story of the World's First Documented Alien Abduction

The Scientist and the Psychic
A Son's Exploration of His Mother's Gift

Intuition and Chakras
How to Increase Your Psychic Development Through Energy

A Survival Guide for Those Who Have Psychic Abilities and Don't Know What to Do With Them
The Bestselling Debut Novel

Alien Abductions and UFO Sightings 5-Book Bundle
The Big Book of UFOs / I Saw It Too! / Abductions and Aliens / and 2 more

Campfire Ghost Stories
The Haunting Tales

Haunted Ontario 4
Encounters with Ghostly Shadows, Apparitions, and Spirits

Haunted Ontario 3-Book Bundle
Haunted Ontario / Haunted Ontario 3 / Haunted Ontario 4

365 Ways to Develop Your Psychic Ability
Simple Tools to Increase Your Intuition & Clairvoyance
Costco Assort -- Leslie Assortment (2 pack selection)
Haunted Hamilton / Tomes of Terror

Clairvoyance for Beginners
Easy Techniques to Enhance Your Psychic Visions

Haunted Ontario 2-Book Bundle
Haunted Ontario / Haunted Ontario 3

Haunted Ontario 3
Ghostly Historic Sites, Inns, and Miracles

The Angel Effect

Haunted Ontario
Ghostly Inns, Hotels, and Other Eerie Places

Return Again
How to Find Meaning in Your Past Lives and Your Interlives