Browse Books in Biography & Autobiography

Cop in the Closet

Boom Years
G.G. Nye's Photographs of North Vancouver 1905-1909

Buffalo Bud
Adventures of A Cowboy

A Portrait of Laura Secord

Un grand patron
Une biographie de Donald Gordon

Seven Stones
A Portrait of Arthur Erickson, Architect

Lily Briscoe
A Self Portrait

The French Fictional Journal
Fictional Narcissism/Narcissistic Fiction

John Prince 1796-1870
A Collection of Documents

John Prince 1796-1870
A Collection of Documents

The French Fictional Journal
Fictional Narcissism/Narcissistic Fiction

Modern France
Mind, Politics, Society
Young Mr Smith in Upper Canada

The Canadian Career of the Fourth Earl of Minto
The Education of a Viceroy
Land of a Thousand Sorrows
The Australian Prison Journal, 1840-1842 of Exiled Canadien Patriote, Francois-Maurice Lepailleur

Kent Rowley: The Organizer
A Canadian Union Life
Ordinary Heroes
The Journal of a French Pioneer in Alberta by Marcel Duriex

Kent Rowley: The Organizer
A Canadian Union Life

The Last of the Free Enterprisers
The Oilmen of Calgary

Annie Howells and Achille Fréchette

Sir Robert Filmer and English Political Thought

Karl Philipp Moritz
At the Fringe of Genius

The Stoic Strain in American Literature
Essays in Honour of Marston LaFrance