Browse Books in Biography & Autobiography
Two Months in the Camp of Big Bear
Grey Owl
Castaway on Cape Breton
Black and Bluenose
The Contemporary History of a Community
For the Love of Hockey
Hockey Stars' Personal Stories
Father Jimmy
J.B. McLachlan: A Biography
The Story of a Legendary Labour Leader and the Cape Breton Coal Miners
The Ghosts Behind Him
A Touch of Murder ... Now and Then
Robert Dunsmuir
Laird of the Mines
Pauline Johnson
First Aboriginal Voice of Canada
The Stephen Leacock Picture Book
Tommy Douglas
Building the New Society
Isaac Brock
Larger than Life
Tommy Douglas
The Canadian Sansei
W.L. Mackenzie King
A Bibliography and Research Guide
My Recollection of Chicago and the Doctrine of Laissez Faire
W.L. Mackenzie King
A Bibliography and Research Guide
Interviews With The Phoenix
Doomed Bridegroom, The
Digressions of a Naked Party Girl
On a Cold Road
Tales of Adventure in Canadian Rock
Flim Flam
Canada's Greatest Frauds, Scams, and Con Artists