Browse Books in Biography & Autobiography
Edward Blake, Irish Nationalist
A Canadian Statesman in Irish Politics 1892-1907

Science in Canada
Selections from the Speeches of E.W.R. Steacie

Testament of My Childhood

Founder of Quebec, Father of New France

Harold Adams Innis
Portrait of a Scholar

The Valley of Vision
Blake as Prophet and Revolutionary

In Search of Greatness
Reflections of Yousuf Karsh

William Lyon Mackenzie King, Volume 1, 1874-1923
A Political Biography

Half-Hours with Great Scientists
The Story of Physics

Sir Edmund Head
A Scholarly Governor

The Letters of Sara Hutchinson

The Career of Arthur Hamilton Gordon
First Lord Stanmore 1829-1912

Leo Smith
A Biographical Sketch

Davidson Black
A Biography

Saint of the Imagination

Lesya Ukrainka

William Lyon Mackenzie King, Volume II, 1924-1932
The Lonely Heights

Sidney Earle Smith

A Slice of Canada

A Study in Parallels

The Politics of John W. Dafoe and the Free Press

John Rae Political Economist: An Account of His Life and A Compilation of His Main Writings
Volume I: Life and Miscellaneous Writings

Groping for Truth
My Uphill Struggle for Respect

Delicious Mirth
The Life and Times of James McCarroll