Browse Books in Individual Artists
Country Boy, A
From Sussex to the Canadian West
In Love with Art
Françoise Mouly's Adventures in Comics with Art Spiegelman
Christopher Pratt
Six Decades
Army of Lovers
A Community History of Will Munro
Ink and Light
The Influence of Claude Lorrain's Etchings on England
Giuseppe Penone
The Hidden Life Within
Sorel Etrog
Five Decades
Far Woods
Jack Chambers' Red and Green
Decrypted by Tom Smart
Emily Carr Collected
Cover and Uncover
Eric Cameron
Drawn Together
Maintaining Connections and Navigating Life's Challenges with Art—A Father Daughter Story
Exercises in Kinesthetic Drawing and Other Drawing
Out of the Wood
George Littlechild
The Spirit Giggles Within
Joe's Ontario
Pierre Dorion
The Pavilion of Virginia Puff-Paint:
An artists' book by Jeremy Laing and Will Munro
Meeting Place
Robert Gober, Liz Magor and Juan Muñoz (Artists' books)
Liz Magor
Accounting for an imaginary prairie life
An artist book by Landon Mackenzie
The Bar Report/Raincoats, Suitcases, Palms
Vera Frenkel
Scott Lyall
The Beauty Is Relentless
The Short Movies of Emily Vey Duke and Cooper Battersby