Browse Books in General

Poems Collected and New

In Search of Greatness
Reflections of Yousuf Karsh

The Eye
How the World’s Most Influential Creative Directors Develop Their Vision

Eye of the Beholder

The Eye of the Beholder

Indian Art and Culture
of the Northwest Coast

The Art of Fashion and Costume Design in Paris and Halifax

Sensing the Nation's Law
Historical Inquiries into the Aesthetics of Democratic Legitimacy

Creative Alchemy
Meditations, Rituals, and Experiments to Free Your Inner Magic (Creative Gifts, Gifts for Creatives, Gifts about Spirituality)
Ardent Angler Artist

Deeply Grateful & Entirely Unsatisfied
A Book for Anyone Wondering if Life Is Giving You Magical Gifts or Just Messing with You (Funny Book, Humorous Books About Life, Gifts for Middle Age)


Our Maud
The Life, Art and Legacy of Maud Lewis

The face of medicine
Visualising medical masculinities in late nineteenth-century Paris

My Foolish Heart: A Pop-Up Book of Love
(Pop-Up Book, Romantic Book, Gift for Partners)

Robert Bateman's Canada

The Writing on the Wall
The Work of Joane Cardinal-Schubert

Men in this Town
Alone in a Crowd

The Unmaking of Home in Contemporary Art

The Art of Subtraction
Digital Adaptation and the Object Image

Worldmaking as Techné
Participatory Art, Music, and Architecture

From Participation to Interaction in Contemporary Art

Abject visions
Powers of horror in art and visual culture

I had an interesting French Artist to see me this summer
Emily Carr and Wolfgang Paalen in British Columbia