Browse Books in Art
James Carl
Germaine Koh
The Triumph of Mischief
Bona Fide
handmade & homemade

Sandra Meigs
Strange Loop

Reverse Engineered / Rétro-ingénerie
Alexandre Catonguay / Mathieu Bouchard
Claudie Gagnon

Tim Clark
Reading the Limits: Works / Œuvres 1975-2003
Art and History from 1868 to Today
All For Art!
In Conversation with Collectors
In the Near Future
Sharon Hayes

Dionne Simpson: cartographies

Bob Boyer
His Life's Work / Le travail d'une vie

Wahwâ Neechi Funk!
Aboriginal Humour Exhibition

Jamie Russell
Meditations on Nature
Paul Butler's Collage Party

People Like Us
The Gossip of Colin Campbell

When Women Rule the World
Judy Chicago In Thread


Dr. Strangelove Dr. Strangelove
Amy Loewan
Illuminating Peace

Triple Bill
The Visible Work
Damian Moppett