On the heels of Michael Harris’s The End of Absence comes Solitude, an exploration of what it means to be alone in a world constantly demanding our attention. We’re in conversation with Michael this week on The Chat.
Grant Munroe, writing in The Globe and Mail, calls Solitude “an insightful, lively meditation on why this increasingly scarce component of our lives should be preserved.” Douglas Coupland says, "I came away from this book a better human being. Michael Harris's take on existence is calm, unique and makes one's soul feel good, yet never once does he rely on feel-good techniques."
Michael Harris is the author of The End of Absence, which won the Governor General's Literary Award and became a national bestseller. He writes about media, civil liberties, and the arts for dozens of publications, including The Washington Post, Wired, Salon, The Huffington Post and The Globe and Mail. His work has been a finalist for the RBC Taylor Prize, the BC National Award for Canadian Non-Fiction, the Chautauqua Prize, the CBC Bookie Awards and several National Magazine Awards. He lives in Vancouver with his partner, the artist Kenny Park.
Trevor Corkum: Solitude is your follow-up to the Governor General’s Award-winning The End of Absence. How did the project come together?

Michael Harris: My partner and I had just moved to Toronto when I started thinking about Solitude. The End of Absence was months away from publication and Kenny was away at work every day—so I was alone. Very alone. I would sit in cafés or read in parks and I just got painfully lonely down in my marrow. I think I started writing about solitude as a way to improve my own state of mind.
TC: How do you define solitude? What does it mean to you personally?
MH: Solitude is the productive and contended experience of being alone. (Loneliness, by contrast, is failed solitude.) What does it mean to me? Sanity. Health. Endurance. A person who knows how to be on their own has the opportunity to build a rich interior life. And once you’ve got that, you’re free in a way, aren’t you? If you really have that rich interior life, you carry it with you, and you’ve always got a home in your chest.
TC: Reading the work, I was reminded of the visceral terror so many folks experience spending time alone, untethered from their devices. You mention throughout the book that this ability for spacious, unaccounted-for time alone with ourselves is under real threat. What’s at stake in this loss? And is it possible for us to pull back?
MH: I think you can divide what’s at stake into three camps. First, without solitude you miss out on really fresh thinking (you can’t have a paradigm-shifting idea at a conference table). Second, you aren’t going to have a clear idea of what you personally love and believe, as opposed to the crowd’s loves and beliefs. Third, without solitude it’s harder to really have faith in the relationships in your life.
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