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Picture Book Sneak Peek: Summer Feet, by Sheree Fitch and Carolyn Fisher
Summer starts HERE with this glorious celebration of childhood...and filthy feet.
Notes from a Children's Librarian: Texts on Textiles
Exploring the art of sewing? Here are some tales to comfort and inspire.
COVID–19 Teacher Diary: Pondering the “What If” with Shari Green & Caroline Pignat
During this time of self-isolation and social distancing, books can sometimes be our only companions as the days stretch before us, looping in a Groundhog …
Launchpad: Good Mothers Don't, by Laura Best
"An unlikely page turner replete with hushed surprises, unexpected crescendos, endless love and boundless vitality."
Exploring Indigenous History
June is Indigenous History Month, a great opportunity to celebrate some of our favourite books over the years, along with links to great interviews, excerpts, …
Launchpad: Legacy of Trees, by Nina Shoroplova
"A fascinating answer to why we should care about trees in the first place." —Wayne Grady
COVID–19 Teacher Diary: Eric Walters' New Book Explores the "Now Normal"
Written, published and released during a pandemic: Eric Walters defies traditional publishing norms to create a book for young people living through the …
The Abortion Caravan: A Ragtag Army of the Willing
The Abortion Caravan, intent on bearding prime minister Pierre Trudeau in his den and removing abortion from the Criminal Code, set off for Vancouver …
COVID–19 Teacher Diary: A New Way to Celebrate the Forest of Reading
Forest of Reading is Canada’s largest recreational reading program, celebrating Canadian books and authors. In the eyes of Canadian kids, it is the …
Big Fiction
Fall book season is exciting with its televised ceremonies and fancy galas, but spring is just as interesting, with regional and specialized prizes highlighting …