Notes From A Children's Librarian Posts

Media Literacy for Kindergarten
Our Resident Children's Librarian recommends resources to complement the Media Literacy objective for kindergarten.

Notes From a Children's Librarian: Animal Books
Great nonfiction titles to introduce "Animal Classifications," the Grade 2 science unit.

Notes from a Children's Librarian: On Structures
Great fiction and nonfiction titles to launch the Grade 3 science unit on structures and buildings.

Notes from a Children's Librarian: Books on Citizenship
How do you inspire kids to be good citizens? How do you launch a student’s understanding of rights and responsibilities?

Notes from a Children's Librarian: Books on Respect
Books about respecting differences, community, one's own self, and the earth.

Notes from a Children's Librarian: Canadian Heritage and Identity
Books to support the Grade 6 Social Studies curriculum.

Notes from a Children's Librarian: Books on Kindness and Caring
Picture books featuring traits from character-based education.

Notes From a Children's Librarian: On Perseverance
Books that show the development of perseverance as a character trait.

Notes from a Children's Librarian: Books on Integrity
Julie Booker on characters with a strong moral code, those who find a way to stay true to themselves and the things they believe in.

Notes from a Children's Librarian: Books on Cooperation
These picture books make good springboards for discussion on cooperation and the complexities involved when people work together.