Poetry Posts
Brick Books' Poetry Podcast Channel: A Fantastic Point of Discovery
A poem on a page has its own power, but the poem comes alive in an entirely different and more accessible way when read aloud by the person who's written …

The False Laws of Narrative
The Poetry of Fred Wah

Blues and Bliss
The Poetry of George Elliott Clarke

Vladimir Nabokov
Poetry and the Lyric Voice

Romantic Narrative
Shelley, Hays, Godwin, Wollstonecraft

From Room to Room
The Poetry of Eli Mandel

Lectures and Interviews

The Celestial Tradition
A Study of Ezra Pound’s The Cantos

Tennyson’s Camelot
The Idylls of the King and its Medieval Sources

Tennyson’s Camelot
The Idylls of the King and its Medieval Sources