Prayer Posts

La prière de silence : Renouveler une forme traditionnelle de prière chrétienne
Renouveler une forme traditionnelle de prière chrétienne

prier — c'est possible

Christ Wisdom
Spiritual Practice in the Beatitudes and the Lord's Prayer

Prayers to Share Year A
Responsive Prayers for Each Sunday of the Church Year

Working With Spirit
Engaging the Spirituality to Meet the Challenges of the Workplace

Working With Spirit
Engaging the Spirituality to Meet the Challenges of the Workplace

Working With Spirit
Engaging the Spirituality to Meet the Challenges of the Workplace

Embodied Prayer
Toward Wholeness of Mind, Body, Soul

Prayers to Share - Year A
Responsive Prayers for Each Sunday of the Church Year

Prayers to Share Year C
Responsive Prayers for Each Sunday of the Church Year