Picture Books Posts

Most Anticipated: Our Books for Young Readers Preview
Looking forward to some of the books for young readers (and readers of all ages) that we're going to be falling in love with in the first half of 2021. …

The Kids: Are They Alright?
What is it like for a child who lives with a parent or who knows an adult struggling with a crisis of mental health, addiction, or homelessness? A list …

Picture Books We Loved in 2020

Books for Orange Shirt Day
Books to connect younger readers with the tragic legacy of Canada's residential schools.

Most Anticipated: Our Fall 2020 Books for Young Readers Preview
New books for young readers...and readers of all ages!

Kid Sterling: Books on Jazz and Justice
Christine Welldon introduces her debut novel, Kid Sterling, and she marks its release with a list of inspiring books that addresses the problems of racism …

2020 Sheila Barry Award Shortlist

Picture Book Sneak Peek: Summer Feet, by Sheree Fitch and Carolyn Fisher
Summer starts HERE with this glorious celebration of childhood...and filthy feet.

Launchpad: Grandmother School, by Rina Singh and Ellen Rooney
"How great a treat it will be to read this book in a grandmother’s lap."