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The Civil War and the Summer of 2020

edited by Hilary Green & Andrew L. Slap
foreword by Andre E. Johnson
contributions by John Bardes, Karen Cook Bell, Daryl A. Carter, Beau D. Cleland, Emmanuel Dabney, Adam H. Domby, Myisha S. Eatmon, Barbara Gannon, Scott Hancock, William Horne, LeeAnna Keith, Jonathan Lande, Anne Marshall, Jaime Amanda Martinez, Nicole Turner & Samuel Watts

The Civil War and the Summer of 2020

edited by Hilary Green & Andrew L. Slap
foreword by Andre E. Johnson
contributions by John Bardes, Karen Cook Bell, Daryl A. Carter, Beau D. Cleland, Emmanuel Dabney, Adam H. Domby, Myisha S. Eatmon, Barbara Gannon, Scott Hancock, William Horne, LeeAnna Keith, Jonathan Lande, Anne Marshall, Jaime Amanda Martinez, Nicole Turner & Samuel Watts

The Depanneur Cookbook

by (author) Len Senater

The Depanneur Cookbook

by (author) Len Senater

Breaking Canadians

Health Care, Advocacy, and the Toll of COVID-19

edited by Nili Kaplan-Myrth
foreword by Brian Goldman
afterword by Sue Robins

Some of My Best Friends

And other white lies I've been told

by (author) Tajja Isen

Some of My Best Friends

And other white lies I've been told

by (author) Tajja Isen

Plough Quarterly No. 39 – The Riddle of Nature

edited by Peter Mommsen
by (author) William Thomas Okie, Angel Adams Parham, Joy Marie Clarkson, Erik Varden, Lore Ferguson Wilbert, Clare Coffey, Daniel J.D. Stulac, Greta Gaffin, Rhys Laverty, Casey Kleczek, Norann Voll, David McBride, Caroline Moore, Timothy J. Keiderling & Robert W. Crawford

The Prairies: Flat and Wide

by David Zeibin

An excerpt from Midlife No. 2.

Agrarian Spirit

Cultivating Faith, Community, and the Land

by (author) Norman Wirzba

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