Poetry Posts
Launchpad: Beloved Revolutionary Sweetheart, by Beatriz Hausner
"Elegant, thirsty and visionary poems, echoing with song." —Tamara Faith Berger
Launchpad: All I Have Learned is Where I Have Been, by Joe Fiorito
"Wonderfully inventive and skillful in poetic form, while remaining casual, colloquial: the art of the street's voice." —A.F. Moritz
Launchpad: Disappearing Minglewood Blues, by M.C. Warrior
"Gives us sharp and fascinating insights into the everyday and sweaty work world—dark, difficult and dangerous—of his three decades logging and commercial …
Launchpad: Lost Lagoon, Lost in Thought, by Betsy Warland
"An extraordinary love spell cast by a master magician."
League of Canadian Poets 2020 Shortlists
The Poetic Imperative
A Speculative Aesthetics
The Poetic Imperative
A Speculative Aesthetics
Launchpad: Gold Rush, by Claire Caldwell
Claire Caldwell is an environmental doomsayer, but she’s also a comedic, antic storyteller, and she’s great at dark endings.—John Irving
Griffin Poetry Prize: 2020 Shortlist
Launchpad: Junebat, by John Elizabeth Stintzi
"To the poetics of the queer everyday Stintzi adds their ‘Junebat,’ a multitudinous concept of such explanatory power I’m certain it’ll endure …