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Armin Wiebe: 100 Canadian Novels by 100 Canadian Authors That I Have Read
How many books from Armin Wiebe's 100 Novels List have you read?
Hayden King: Lines on the Shore
Stories from the Border of an Island Indian Reserve
Books About Bookshops
Canadians love bookshops so much we even put them in our books. More than just meta—it makes for great reading too.
Leo Brent Robillard: The Short-Changed List
The author of new novel, The Road to Atlantis, on books that deserve a second glance.
Kevin Hardcastle: On Endurance
From the author of Debris, ten titles about characters who struggle and endure.
Notes From a Children's Librarian: Great KidLit by Authors of Adult Fiction
A selection of kids' books from some of Canada's most acclaimed authors for grown-ups.
Thrillers: Pick Up the Unputdownable
Books that will be chilling bones, tingling spines, and sending heartbeats racing this fall.
Sean Graham: How the CBC Began
At a moment when the future of the CBC is much under discussion, understanding the corporation's past is just as crucial.
Janice MacDonald Goes Back to School in Fiction
"In Randy’s world, reading is privileged and the autumn is always full of promises, just waiting to be broken on the back of relentless winter."
Shelf Talkers: September 2015
I thought I had it all worked out: keep the book in your lap, and glance down to read when the teacher’s not looking. Keep the book you want to read …