Philosophy Posts

Wise Up! Wise Down!: A Poetic Conversation

Covenantal Thinking
Essays on the Philosophy and Theology of David Novak

Toward a Philosophy of Religious Studies
Enecstatic Explorations

Covenantal Thinking
Essays on the Philosophy and Theology of David Novak

Alasdair MacIntyre
An Intellectual Biography

Toward a Philosophy of Religious Studies
Enecstatic Explorations

The Dervishes of the North
Rumi, Whirling, and the Making of Sufism in Canada

The Dervishes of the North
Rumi, Whirling, and the Making of Sufism in Canada

The Dervishes of the North
Rumi, Whirling, and the Making of Sufism in Canada

Martin Buber
Creaturely Life and Social Form