City Books Posts
Five Vancouver Crime Fiction Knockouts
"Vancouver is a beautiful, glossy and glossed-over town, and much like a minor aristocratic character in a Golden Age British murder mystery, its good …
Lana Pesch: Where in the World?
On our fascination with fictional places. Why do they seem to matter as much as they do?
9 books
City Books and Too Much on the Inside, a list by Danila Botha
City Books and Too Much on the Inside
Danila Botha on the books that inspired her to write about life in the city in her new novel, Too Much on the Inside.
Suzanne Alyssa Andrew: Messes and Meltdowns in the City
Success is never a permanent state. Things go wrong, fall apart, mess up irrevocably. And then the central question becomes how do we solve our problems—or …
Notes from a Children's Librarian: On the Literary Quest
Our Children's Librarian Columnist on Books that (Literally) Take You Places.
7 books