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Shelf Talkers Posts

Shelf Talkers: Summer 2024

by Robert J. Wiersema

Seasonal pop quiz: what do you get when you gather more than a dozen independent booksellers from across the country in one place?

If you answered “the …

Shelf Talkers: Spring 2024

by Robert J. Wiersema

What a fantastic time of year this is!

No, I’m not talking about the coming of spring (though it seems, at least here in Victoria, that the long winter …

Shelf Talkers: February 2024

by Robert J. Wiersema

Greetings from Victoria!

I'm pleased to bring you another batch of recommendations from the booksellers of the Shelf Talkers community, the finest of Canada’s …

Shelf Talkers: November 2023

by Robert J. Wiersema

It might just be me, but I want to put it out there—is time feeling increasingly slippery for anyone else? Like, somehow it’s late October, when yesterday …

Shelf Talkers: Summer 2023

by Rovert J. Wiersema

I have a confession to make: putting together this column four times a year is not only something I look forward to—it's also something I rely on.

I …

Shelf Talkers: Books to Usher Us into Summer!

by Robert J. Wiersema

There is a moment which comes around this time every year.

Curiously, we don’t know when it will come.

We don’t know what form it will take.

And, despite …

Shelf Talkers: Winter/Spring 2023

by Robert J. Wiersema

This really is the strangest time of year.

I went out for a walk yesterday afternoon – it was a gorgeous, early spring day. Clear skies, warm enough …

Shelf Talkers: Fall 2022

by Robert J. Wiersema

There’s a delightful chill to the air this morning, a soft burn in the nostrils as you inhale the smell of fallen leaves, the damp of rain on the horizon. …

Shelf Talkers: 15 Books to Keep You Going This Summer

by Robert J. Wiersema

Earlier this summer, I spent several weeks on the west coast of Newfoundland. This was not, strictly speaking, part of the plan. The plan was to visit …

Shelf Talkers Spring 2022

by Robert J. Wiersema

As I’m writing this, the rain is gently echoing on the roof above me. It’s a most welcome sound. It’s not that I’m a particular fan of the rain—though …

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