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Travel General

Stand the Sacred Tree

by (author) John Weier

Turnstone Press
Initial publish date
Nov 2003
General, Iceland & Greenland
  • Paperback / softback

    Publish Date
    Nov 2003
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The genesis of Stand the Sacred Tree was in Weier's previous memoir Marshwalker (page 32)-it grew out of the questions he explored and the opportunities that were represented. Weier traveled widely-Syria, Iceland, Holland, Denmark, and Canada-and wondered at what-if anything-connects these places and their diverse landscapes and cultures. Icelandic horses to Syrian cab drivers. And of course birds, he never stops thinking of birds. What he discovers is people obsessed with place, with travel; each destination, each trip without exception leading to another. Each new landscape brings new exotic birds and flowers, new friends. Yet everywhere there is always something haunting and familiar.

About the author

John Weier believes nothing is simple, especially his writing: his memoirs are novels, and his novels documentary. His poetry is prose and follows diary lines, his prose is poetic. The author of five previous collections of poetry, three works of fiction, two nature memoirs and a children’s book, John often writes about his passions, travel, birding and the violin. Weier lives and writes in Winnipeg where he also works as a luthier.

John Weier's profile page

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