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Political Science Economic Conditions

Leviathan Undone?

Towards a Political Economy of Scale

edited by Roger Keil & Rianne Mahon

UBC Press
Initial publish date
Jan 2010
Economic Conditions, General, General, Theory
  • eBook

    Publish Date
    Jan 2010
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  • Paperback / softback

    Publish Date
    Jan 2010
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  • Hardback

    Publish Date
    May 2009
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Caught in the trap of the nation-state and frozen in postwar bloc logic, critical political economy has been found wanting when it comes to problematizing space and scale. Globalization and the rise of world cities and regions have shaken the discipline's foundations and fostered new interest in the concept of scale. Leviathan Undone? brings together leading theorists and scholars from a variety of disciplines to develop a new language to understand the spatial restructuring that has accompanied globalization. By treating scale as the core concept of our time, these innovative, groundbreaking essays bring a new sensibility to classical and contemporary concerns in Canadian and international political economy.

About the authors

Roger Keil is York Research Chair in Global Sub/Urban Studies in the Faculty of Environmental Studies at York University in Toronto. A former director of York’s City Institute, he researches global suburbanization, urban political ecology, and regional governance. He is the editor of Suburban Constellations (2013) and co-editor (with Pierre Hamel) of Suburban Governance: A Global View (2015).

Roger Keil's profile page

RIANNE MAHON is an Associate Professor in the School of Public Policy at Carleton University.

Rianne Mahon's profile page

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