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Browse Books in Nationalism

Populisme et sciences sociales

Perspectives québécoises, canadiennes et transatlantiques

edited by Frédérick Guillaume Dufour & Efe Peker
contributions by Victor Armony, Olivier Audet, Olivier Bélanger-Duchesneau, Olivier Bérubé-Sasseville, Joanie Bouchard, Stéphanie Chouinard, Sylvain Crépon, Allison Harell, Isabel L. Krakoff, Emily Laxer, Mathieu Lizotte, Djamila Mones, Sébastien Mosbah-Natanson, Anke Patzelt, Derek J. Robey, François Tanguay, Annie Verreault & Elke Winter
series edited by Geneviève Tellier

Has Populism Won?

The War on Liberal Democracy

by (author) Daniel Drache & Marc D. Froese

Taking Pluralism Seriously

Complex Societies under Scrutiny

by (author) Félix Mathieu

À la frontière des mondes

Jeunesse étudiante, Action catholique et changement social en Acadie (1900-1970)

by (author) Philippe Volpé

From Country to Nation

Ethnographic Studies, Kokugaku, and Spirits in Nineteenth-Century Japan

by (author) Gideon Fujiwara

Spectres of Fascism

Historical, Theoretical, and International Perspectives

edited by Samir Gandesha


Populism, Immigration, and the Future of White Majorities

by (author) Eric Kaufmann

Unbecoming Nationalism

From Commemoration to Redress in Canada

by (author) Helene Vosters

Au temps de la « révolution acadienne »

Les marxistes-léninistes en Acadie

by (author) Philippe Volpé & Julien Massicotte

Church and the State in Canada West, 1841-1867

by (author) John S. Moir

English Character and the English Literary Tradition

by (author) Malcolm W. Wallace

Values in Conflict

32nd Couchiching Conference, C.I.P.A

edited by Timothy E.H. Reid


Populism, Immigration, and the Future of White Majorities

by (author) Eric Kaufmann

Sir John's Echo

The Voice for a Stronger Canada

by (author) John Boyko

The Vimy Trap

or, How We Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Great War

by (author) Ian McKay & Jamie Swift

Violence as a Generative Force

Identity, Nationalism, and Memory in a Balkan Community

by (author) Max Bergholz

The Morning After

The 1995 Quebec Referendum and the Day that Almost Was

by (author) Chantal Hebert

Nationalisme et protection sociale

by (author) Daniel Béland & André Lecours

Rooted Cosmopolitanism

Canada and the World

edited by Will Kymlicka & Kathryn Walker

The Labyrinth of North American Identities

by (author) Philip Resnick

The Other Quiet Revolution

National Identities in English Canada, 1945-71

by (author) José E. Igartua

Against Orthodoxy

Studies in Nationalism

edited by Trevor W. Harrison & Slobodan Drakulic

Palestinian Ethnonationalism in Israel

by (author) Oded Haklai

Feeling Canadian

Television, Nationalism, and Affect

by (author) Marusya Bociurkiw

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